It's hard to know exactly what to say when starting a new project. I sometimes have a hard time keeping up with things I start so we shall see how this goes. I'm starting this blog back up again to document my family's life.
I got the inspiration from my husband. He has terribly memory. He decided around Christmastime last year to start a daily journal just writing about day to day happenings to help with his memory. He had mentioned a book that a Marine had wrote about his experience in boot camp. He had told me that he couldn't remember very much of his boot camp experience. I know that bothered him so he started journaling.
I like to pride myself on my memory. I think I have pretty great memory. It's not perfect but I definitely remember more than my husband does. Especially when it comes to the little details. It's hard though, I will try to think back on certain things and realize that I can't remember a thing. That irritates me. I want to be able to remember things. I Facebook quite often. I don't do it as much as I used to because I feel as a 30 year old, maybe Facebook shouldn't my main outlet. I've heard comments from people my age or a bit older saying that they don't want to read what I've (not me in general) what I've eaten that day or my whole day. It made me feel quite ashamed of my posts. I like Facebook because I'm not a huge talker. I have a hard time saying what I feel or what's on my mind, Writing things down is a lot easier so I Facebook. Instead of telling myself all these things, I share with my friends. It's my form of communication. Plus I have a lot of friends from all over the US and Facebook is how I communicate with them. I don't want to be ashamed of what I write on Facebook though. I find myself using my posts as a reference point. Say I want to remember what I did on this day or if I want to remember what day it was that something happened or even if someone wanted to know when something happened, I will use my posts as a reference. I like knowing that I wrote about a certain event and I can go back and find out when that happened. I haven't been able to do that quite as often these days because I feel like most people won't like that I'm writing my entire life online. Maybe they'd understand if they knew my main reasoning for my many detailed posts. I shouldn't care what people thing of me anyways right? I think it's human nature to care though.
When I was little, my mom used to make me write a daily dairy. She would read my entry and then she will write a little comment. Sometimes I wouldn't want to write in my diary and I would write just a sentence and she would write asking why I didn't want to do it. I think it became a habit and as I got older it kind of carried through. I would write down things I wouldn't want to forget and then read it over and over and it would ingrain in my memory. I stopped doing it because as I got older, I got more rebellious and often times my entries would be about my little escapes and usually my mom would find these and read them and I'd get into a ton of trouble, That's when I stopped writing things down. I did eventually turn to blogs though. I had a few platforms that I used. I had Xanga, MySpace, and LiveJournal I believe is what it was called. I wish I still had access to all those accounts because I wrote a ton of those. I guess thats the downfall of online blogs. Content can be lost overtime.
I enjoy writing. Just for my own pleasure and for my own personal references. I am terribly at grammar so it won't be anything that I do for a living but I think this will be fun. I am challenging myself to do this daily. I am going to try to challenge myself to do this before bed everything. I think it should be easier now that I have a laptop. It's much easier to get online and just sit and write when I can chill on the couch. I've had this in my mind for a week or so now but there's something about sitting on that hard chair at the desktop that makes me not want to do it. OK! So here we go. This is day 1. Let's see if we can keep this up for a whole year.
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